Wednesday, 28 March 2007


South Tyneside have published the Election Notice for the regions May vote. A quick look at the wards and a little bit of research re potential candidates indicates that we should have some very interesting campaigns. Certain candidates have already put there “parachutes” on, and remain at stand by to be dropped into various wards. More on that later!

For the record, I have great respect for councillors who work hard and diligently; looking after peoples needs is no easy matter within your own household, so dealing with a ward full of thousands of different views and wants etc is very demanding. At community level the colour of your political flag doesn’t really concern me. If you can convince me that you will represent my ward to best of your ability and act on what is best for my community, then you will get my vote. Where I have issues with councillors is when they claim their allowance but cannot be bothered to turn up and represent their ward members. More on that later!

My own ward, Cleadon and East Boldon, should prove interesting. Last year produced two elections in one period, my research on the non attendance rate of a sitting councillor resulting in a resignation. The issue which will dominate on the Boldon side of the crossing is Metro parking congestion. On the other side, I suspect Cleadon may be occupied with the councils plans to turn it into a series of traffic roundabouts. Will we however, be faced once again with a second election not long after May’s vote? More on that later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bloody Labour..crap
