What a strange day it has turned out to be. This afternoon I received a call from the Gazette asking for comments on correspondence from Councillor Potts claiming that the Metro congestion issue has been resolved by our three ward councillors. Whilst I have still to clarify the position with regards to the claims, I sincerely hope that previous long term plans and promises by the council are not being rehashed to portray some form of cheap victory. To do that would not only be very naughty but a little “uneconomical” with the truth. For instance, the pedestrian refuge scheme (regardless of its planned position) resulted from a petition signed by 400 people two years ago and submitted to the local CAF by a second resident and myself. No councillors were involved with its wording or requests.
Never mind, Wednesday will provide me with a full account of the claims, and no doubt things will develop from there.
As I posted in the past on this issue …..”I think what we have could be classed as a stand off rather than a truce. I think the issue will rear its head again sometime in the future, perhaps even before the next CAF meeting in September.”
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