Saturday, 14 April 2007

AND THEIR OFF...........

I’ve just caught David Miliband coming out of a bookies in Fowler Street. He got such a shock that he dropped his betting slip. Looks like he was putting bets on for his political colleagues! This is what was written on it;

John Prescott “Longshank”
Peter Mandelson “Eurotrek

Jack Straw “Jack High” (after taking a herbal remedy from his son)
Gordon Brown “Celtic Son” and after his budget “Slim Pickings”
Tony Blair “Sonevafushi” (a fushi is Iranian for two faced toad)

And for himself

“Idle Talk”

Apparently he borrowed the money from a Labour donor who has placed the amount on an interest free loan basis.

PS ~ all of the above are actually runners in the National. I don’t bet myself but if one of them wins I’m going to look pretty smart aren’t I!

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