The little post below was just to see if I had got the hang of adding pictures to articles and it looks as if I have. We enter a new era then at Rise Like Lions. Prepare to be inundated with mugshots, action sequences etc.
A self confessed socialist, but who managed to somehow forget his principals when Blair give him a £10m contract to coordinate Labour’s 2001 election campaign. “Working for a Labour government…is my vocation in life”. Of course it is Trevor, and with £10m of Labour Party member’s money in your back pocket, you need never work again!
Who can forget Charlie? A public school communist (what on earth does that mean?) Whelan had to take a dive when he was caught leaking information about Peter Mandelson (more about him later)
Her infamy derives from the “now is a very good time to get out anything we want to bury” email which she sent out on
I have included Philip in this list not because he has been embroiled in scandal or took bungs, but because he introduced Tony to “focus groups”. FG’s as those in the political know now call them (how inventive) dominate the direction of Blair’s policy mandarins. Not a pen or paper clip can be purchased or NHS policy approved without them first going to a “FG”. Thanks Philip, thanks a lot!
Not enough attention has been paid to Drapper re the “cash for honours” scandal. Drapper, who was unable to keep his mouth closed, bragged that he had access to government as he was a “Tony crony” and for a fee could get what you wanted. “Dapper Drapper” is now employed as a psychotherapist. Well would you believe it!
The King of Spin and founder of New Labour. Made of Teflon, Peter has been embroiled in scandal his entire governmental life. His undisclosed loan from Geoffrey Robinson and his meddling in the passport application for one of the Hinduja brothers give Peter the unenviable title of being one of the very few ministers who has been forced to resign/sacked from the cabinet twice for being naughty! Well known for not being one of Gordon’s most favourite people, perhaps Mr Brown has already made out Peter’s EU P45.
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