Monday, 16 April 2007


As an old fossil myself, I have a passing interest in this nations archaeological heritage. As such I subscribe to “British Archaeology”. Tucked away in this quarters edition is the news that The Heritage Lottery Fund is to loose £90m in grants which serve to protect historical sites. There is also the probability that the Portable Antiquities Scheme, a programme which stops the probability of newly discovered artefacts falling into private or foreign hands, is also likely to loose its funding after 2007/2008. Bad news for the nation’s archaeological heritage, but who stands to gain? The sad news is that the money is being diverted to the London Olympic fund! Grossly under budgeted and with the government still to come to grips with spiralling costs, the money is being siphoned from other causes in order to under pin the games. Archaeology will not be the only suffer. How many other areas are also being faced with unprecedented cuts in budgets etc, all designed to finance one of the greatest cash cows ever seen in this country?

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