Monday, 16 April 2007


Philip Webster, Political Editor of the Times, has today outlined a full roster of reforms that Blair intends to implement before he impales himself on his own petard. The uninspiring title of the article hides a hidden scenario;

“Blair promises last blitz of reforms to ensure he goes out with a bang”

The only thing that will go of with a bang however, is Gordon Brown, especially when he reads what Tony intends to leave him saddled with. Trust schools and private treatment centres linked to the NHS are to be his reforms “in an effort to secure his legacy”. Frankly, Brown is not going to be a happy man if he manages to win the Labour leadership challenge. Trust schools only went through previously with Conservative backing, and the semi privatisation of the NHS is an issue which is deeply unpopular within the Labour Party. Blair, however, wont be bothered because he wont be there (he admits himself he only has a few weeks to go); somebody else will have to pick the (poisoned) chalice up!

Charles Clark, the former Home Secretary, tries to make a name for himself by claiming that he believed “that several challengers could garner enough support among MP’s to reach a run off”. What twaddle, there are only a handful of candidates who come close to having the ability to take over the party and the country and the parliamentary party knows this. The left has picked its stalking horse in John McDonnell, Brown has nominated himself and the only person still sitting on the fence is Miliband. The leader will come from this cosy little three some and no other.

Finally, the Times informs us that Blair has been in power now for 3638 days. My God, has it really been that long? How time passes when your pre occupied with stealth taxes, paying the mortgage, NHS redundancies, deaths in Iraq – need I go on any more? Happily, neither will Blair!

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