Tuesday, 26 June 2007


When social historians look back on the age that we currently live in, two areas will stand out with regards to democracy. The first will be the introduction of the Freedom of Information Act, a piece of legislation that has opened the door to every Whitehall government department and every public body that exists in this country. It has given journalists the key to every filing cabinet in which those who govern us hide their secrets, but more importantly, it has empowered the public when they find themselves up against corporate bodies and national organisations. The second area will be the internet, which has unleashed billions of items of information that we would never have been able to access, from the free expression of ideas to the dissemination of news that would otherwise have never reached our ears. It is no exaggeration to say that the combination of these two elements will be the downfall of many a public figure, politician and multi national company.

I therefore take great pleasure in including South Tyneside Council in this information revolution. The internet site recently under went some design changes, and whilst the section I use on a regular basis (surprise, surprise Councillors and Committees) was always very easy to use, it is now even better. Not only does it outline committee structures, remits, dates of meetings and memberships, it has added the very interesting feature of publishing councillor attendance rates for all full and sub committee meetings. Not only can we now find out who can and cannot be bothered to go to meetings and represent us, but we can also see whether we are getting value for money when it comes to allowances and expenses claims etc. The site also contains an excellent archive section for minutes etc, going back in some cases to 2003.

A quick perusal of attendance rates for the new 2007/2008 session has revealed the usual list of malingerers and non attendees, but lets give them a little bit more time to shoot themselves in the foot (or wallets in some cases). You never know, some may buy themselves a diary with their allowances, but I wouldn’t hold your breath: a quick look back at past records shows that some have been absent without leave on may occasions!

Anybody who has followed my postings on this site, read my letters in the Gazette or seen various articles in the press, will know that the Council’s hierarchy and I will not be exchanging Christmas cards this year. However, from a varied list of Freedom of Information requests I have made, only one has ever been refused and the rationale behind the stance was reasonable. It’s web site and availability of data must also be commended, its all there for all to see.

In this instance the Council must be congratulated (that thud you just heard was Irene Lucas fainting with shock) but unfortunately, you’ve provided me with enough material for many more enquiries!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Even watered down, the FOI Act remains one of New Labour's real libertarian triumphs...which is precisely why idiots like Tony McNulty are so keen to undermine it.
