Tuesday, 12 June 2007


The BBC news web service is reporting that Tony Blair is unhappy with the relationship between the media and politicians, claiming that modern methods meant that reporters etc, hunted “in a pack” and

"In these modes it is like a feral beast, just tearing people and reputations to bits, but no-one dares miss out".

He further went on to say the following;

"The damage saps the country's confidence and self-belief, it undermines its assessment of itself, its institutions and above all, it reduces our capacity to take the right decisions, in the right spirit for our future."

Well there you have, the publics poor assessment of political figures and our institutions is all down to the press and media not doing their job properly. It has nothing of course, to do with any of the following;

  1. The war in Iraq and the lies that were told to get us there.
  2. A failing NHS, which despite having billions thrown at it, still remains in deficit.
  3. The virtual doubling in many areas of community charges in the ten years Labour has been in power.
  4. The most public liberty intrusions since the Second World War
  5. Public office abuses by his ministers i.e. Prescott, Blunkett, Mandelson etc
  6. The white wash of the Hutton Enquiry
  7. BAE systems bribes
  8. The white elephant that is the Olympic Games
  9. The Dome
  10. Stealth taxes
  11. Handing Britain’s foreign policy over to the Americans.
  12. Labour’s contempt for Parliament, unaccountability and the manipulation of statistics.
  13. Cash for honours

The list is endless and I have had to stop because “Blogger” only allow you 80GB of hard drive space. I honestly think Blair is starting to behave like spoilt child, looking for excuses as to why he’s not the naughtiest boy in school and why every body else is to blame but not him.

Labour invented media manipulation and spin for their own benefit, mostly to hide the truth. The problem is that the public can now see through it and realize that for ten years Blair has had no clothes on!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So that’s it then, it’s all about accountability and the “news” and “new media” reflecting the required accuracy to be measured by some yardstick. So after years of reading about items such as Bernie Ecclestone’s donation to the Labour Party, the so-called 45 minute warning on W.M.D’s, the Hutton whitewash Enquiry, and the alleged selling of peerages to favoured Labour Party donors Tony wants to see some new sorts of regulators to ensure we tell it as it is with the required accuracy. In other words let’s control the media (newspapers, broadcasters, and the new media) and ensure that all voices of dissent are well controlled, it’s the New Labour way isn’t it, just ask any party member!
