Monday 14 May 2007


Residents on the Scotch Eastate in Jarorw have hit the front page of the Shields Gazette due to the fact that they have transformed their “defective” properties into valuable residential abodes. People living in old Second World War prefab buildings have in the past been unable to get mortgages to buy these properties under the right to buy legislation due to the nature of the construction. However, by converting their homes to brick, they are eligible for loans and therefore can purchase their dwellings. Figures show that a prefab valued at £135000 prior to work is now worth £130000, with an improvement cost of £36500. This is wonderful news for those living in such houses; they improve their property, get a foothold on the property ladder and if necessary implement the right to buy. So what’s the problem? Simple, the company who complete the renovations are based in Swindon, not South Tyneside. Where then, are South Tyneside Homes in all of this? Why weren’t they helping these residents improve their properties and why are some people still ignorant of their right to buy? No wonder STH were only awaded 1 star by their auditors, its all they deserve.

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